We’d like to share a list of highly innovative and impactful Solutions aligned with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. In this opportunity we will highlight Solutions that support the objective “Reduce inequality within and among countries”.
Objective 10: “Reduce inequality within and among countries”
One of the greatest threats to social and economic development on the long term is related with income inequality and access to opportunities. The connection between inequality and opportunities is inseparable and we need to become conscious of it.
The contrast between cities and rural areas threatens long term development. In rural communities, maternal death is three times higher, as well as child death. The 20% poorest children have three times a higher probability of dying before 5 years old compared to the children with higher levels of income.
We need to do something for the income distribution to be more equitable, reducing the income gap. For 2030, the world needs to progressively achieve and sustain income growth of the bottom 40% of the population at a rate higher than the national average. We also need to ensure equal opportunities and reduce inequalities of outcome by eliminating discriminatory laws, policies and practices and promoting appropriate legislation, policies and action in this regard.
Here are some Solutions from NEXSO platform that are creating unique and valuable Solutions in equal opportunities theme.
Empowering women from Cochabamba’s rainforest, Mancomunidad de Municipios de Cochabamba, Bolivia: Project that breaks the inequality dynamics and gender discrimination by incorporating women to work and political spaces in an efficient way.
Closing gaps and strengthening commercial best practices , Acción, Colombia: Training and management tool for the microfinance industry that allows to identify and monitor management and operational problems. Identifies the root causes of the problem and proposes solutions that accompany concrete strategies to train staff.
Empowering women from Cochabamba’s rainforest, Mancomunidad de Municipios de Cochabamba, Bolivia: Project that breaks the inequality dynamics and gender discrimination by incorporating women to work and political spaces in an efficient way.Closing gaps and strengthening commercial best practices, Acción Colombia: Training and management tool for the microfinance industry that allows to identify and monitor management and operational problems. Identifies the root causes of the problem and proposes solutions that accompany concrete strategies to train staff.
Pachamama Raymi: a fast track out of poverty, Asociación Pachamama Raymi, Perú: Well established methodology, with 25 years of experience effectively mobilizing rural communities to increase their quality of living.
All of these Solutions are part of NEXSO and they are examples of innovation opportunities throughout the region.
Our next blogpost will cover: Production and responsible consumption.
Stay connected!
(*) Collaborator. Writer and Ambassador of Ashoka Venezuela in New York. He is a lawyer from Universidad Católica Andrés Bello and is currently part of the Creative Writing Master Degree of New York University. Associate Editor of ViceVersa Magazine.